In-Class Enrichment

Science Camp

All 5th-Grade students will attend Science Camp for four and a half days where they learn about science and nature.

Science Camp is planned for March 20-24, 2017

Starting Arts

Starting Arts is a 3rd party provider of a 6 week Rotating Arts Program of Dance, Music, Drama, and Visual Arts.  The school district pays for 3 of those wheels:  Dance, Music & Drama.  Each classroom gets 3 hours of instruction for each wheel.

The PTA pays for the Visual Arts wheel and for a grade level vocal music with concert performances.  Each grade level receives 10 hours of instruction.  The calendar for these grade level perforamnces will soon be finalized and published on the school calendar.

Physical Education

Grades:  4-5

No volunteer(s) currently exist(s) to support the teachers in 1st-3rd grades.  If you are interested, please click the Volunteer button on the home page to volunteer.

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Jim Wiltens Leadership

Grades:  4th & 5th
Grade Level Program

You read to young children to instill a love for reading and give them a head start in school. You teach your children to swim so they will enjoy and feel confident around water. You enroll in The Leadership Advantage to help your child develop one of the most valued traits in our society –– leadership. Introduce leadership to your child when she/he is building life-long behaviors.

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Project Cornerstone

Project Cornerstone gives our children tools to handle difficult, but often common social and growing-up challenges.

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Cumberland Garden is located in the west end of campus, near 2nd grade classrooms. It covers about 4000 square feet. All garden maintenance and activities are provided through the help of Cumberland’s volunteering parents. Collectively they spend hundreds of hours tending this absolutely breathtaking garden, so please consider joining this amazing team!.

Students participate in various gardening activities throughout the year (seeding, mulching, weeding, composting, and of course harvesting) and can observe first-hand the magic of growth. Last year, we have had great success with our fava bean and broccoli crops, among others. The children were able to see the nitrogen nodules growing on the roots of the fava beans!

If you have any questions, please contact


FAME (Fine Arts Mini Experience) is a six-year art and music program funded by the PTA to enrich Fine Arts experience in the classroom setting. Volunteer docents lead 6 in-class presentations per year, consisting of a short introduction to a composer and an artist with a hands-on art project related to the style of the artist. The 2023-2024 school year is Year 2 in the FAME Cycle.

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Cluster Classes

Cluster classes consist of small groups of 4th & 5th graders with a teacher or parent leading them in a topic of mutual interest. In past years, classes have included energy science, DJ mixing, leadership skills, computers & robots, podcasts, engineering, sign language, chess, modular origami, genetics, yoga, catapults, juggling, backpacking, raising chickens, baking bread, muffins & manners, and many more!

Sign up in February/March by emailing

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Clay / Kiln

Cumberland is one of the few elementary schools in the district lucky enough to run its own kiln! The clay program is a very special art experience for all grades. Students work on grade-level appropriate skills and techniques to produce their very own art pieces. Volunteer docents do not have to operate the kiln or have any previous experience. 

Each grade level class will make a total of 2 projects over the school year. The clay program will provide detailed instructions to volunteers. Volunteers will then teach their class. Projects have already been pre-selected for each grade. We ask volunteers to teach from the provided project curriculum.

If you have ideas for projects, suggestions to improve the program or would like to help chair our clay program, please contact the program chairs at

For more information on clay deadlines, training days/times, clay
scheduling, clay doc links, etc, please visit: