
Cumberland Garden is located in the west end of campus, near 2nd grade classrooms. It covers about 4000 square feet. All garden maintenance and activities are provided through the help of Cumberland’s volunteering parents. Collectively they spend hundreds of hours tending this absolutely breathtaking garden, so please consider joining this amazing team!.

Students participate in various gardening activities throughout the year (seeding, mulching, weeding, composting, and of course harvesting) and can observe first-hand the magic of growth. Last year, we have had great success with our fava bean and broccoli crops, among others. The children were able to see the nitrogen nodules growing on the roots of the fava beans!

If you have any questions, please contact

Volunteer info

Classrooms have a 30-minute garden visit up to four times a year: a Fall, Winter, Spring, and a Maintenance visit. The garden room parents help schedule the visit by working with their classroom teacher, and then assist with the actual visit. Parents need to arrive 30 minutes prior to the visit, so their time commitment, per visit, is about one hour. Other ad hoc garden visit opportunities may come up during the year and it’s up to the room parents to see if they are able to schedule and assist with those. We appreciate parent help with community events such as the Walkathon Garden Stand, Annual Plant Sale and the community garden work once a month on a Saturday morning.